1. The Nature of the School
School is considered as ones of the three centers of education which is demanded to be able to create the excellent outputs. It’s quotation From Gorton as he expressed that school is a system of organization there are found man in cooperation, association for the sake of pursuit their aims which is conceived as the instructional aim. In the design of school organization would be gotten the team of school administration which comprises the group working out a closer cooperative program in order to get their organization aim. Meanwhile, the main aim of the team of administration is to advance the procedure of school’s wisdom, to overcome the general problems, to utilize all of individual potencies which is combined in that team.
Then the school can either create the smart outputs, possessing the high emotional or prepare the skilled-manpower in various construction.
Hence, the philosophy views concerning the essence of school and society in our daily life ought to be early understood. School is the integral part in society, it’s not separated institution from society definitely, the right of life and it’s life is depended on society, school is the social institution which is demanded to serve the society in education sphere, the school and society advancement has correlation one each other, but absolutely one need others, school is belong to the society and it’s founded on account of societies necessity.
School is as the front thing in education unit which in educating the student needed the professional management in accordance with the function of duty. And the main function of duty of the school is to manage and implement the school with steps as follow: to arrange some planning and executing school program, to refer to available budget and enable to be provided, to coordinate and make school resources compatible toward school program, to do school management effectively and efficiently, to implements some supervision and guidance in the school management, to do some evaluation of reaching school’s target, to arrange school’s report and responsible to the school implementation periodically. Hence, school couldn’t do alone to improve the quality, efficiency, education spreads, school autonomy. The World Bank argued that political condition whether the wisdom of government in the sphere of management of organization or the leadership of learning and teaching process, human resources and school administration are School- Based Management component which is very significant to be noticed in the context of schooling in Indonesia certainly.
Those are the cursory things concerning the school that we’re to pay attention it, as school is determinant factor of the nation development and advancement.
2. The Nature of Management of Education
Management is a process or a framework of working which involves the guidance or orientation of some group toward organizational aim or the real means. And surely it has five of fundamental functions:
a. Planning: to fix the achieved aims and formulations
b. Organizing: to classify and determine the important activities and giving power and authority to execute those jobs.
c. Staffing: to fix the necessity of human resources, orienting, filtering, training and developing manpower.
d. Motivating: to orient or channel human behavior to direction of aims.
e. Controlling: to measure the implementation with the aims, to fix the causes of deviations, and taking the corrective acts if it’s necessary.
When the Management of Education is viewed from the sense aspect, it has various interpretations which have mutual support one each others.
First, is cooperating to achieve the aim of education, as the aims are stretched and extended simply until complexly, if the aims are quite complex it often will not be achieved by one man but he must cooperate with another. Such a cooperating between school, teachers, staff, student, ever society.
Second, is process to achieve the aim of education which is begun from the planning, organizing, orientation, supervision, and assessment.
Third, is management of education with framework of thinking system, such as input and then continued by management of education which consist of learning process, teachers, environment, student, facilitations, school organization and the result is output. These are the important component that we ought to know its shortage and definitely it must be corrected in order to produce the expected outputs.
Fourth: The management of education to be analyzed from leadership sphere, is how the education administrator could hold on the principal” Tut Wuri Handayani, Ing Madyo Mangun Karso dan Ing Ngarso Sung Tulodo”, or with the briefly mean: how to move another and surely by committing the good leadership.
Sixth: It can also be observed from the process of decision-taking. To overcome the problem should be needed the ability to take the decision. The mean is how to choose the probability of the best action from a large number of probability of actions which be done.
Seventh: it can also be analyzed to the communication sphere.
Eighth: The confined definition is: an activity of administration which the core value is writing down some thing, documentation of activity, lettering with various aspects. In fact it is not too false; on account of every aspect of administration activity with the definition above always need note and documentation of activity. There are some things to be underlined that the administration activity does not reflect all of definition of management on mean of what’s described in the items 1-7 previously.
We can also conceive the definition of management of education that will be described explicitly as follow:
a. The management of education can be viewed as the form of cooperation of education personnel to achieve the aim of education. The general aim is such as forming the student personality in accordance with the aims absolutely. These aims can be clarified to another aims, those are: The curricular aim, the aim of common instructional (TIK), and aim of general instructional (TIU).
b. The management of education is cycle process of embodiment of education which is begun by the planning, and followed by organizing, orienting, implementing, supervising, and assessing about school efforts to pursuit the aim.
c. The management of education is school efforts to do the management of education systems.
d. The management of education is the leadership activity, in which taking decision and communication in the school organization as the effort to achieve the aim of education.
Even there are multitude definitions of management of education, it’s quite apparent that the management of education consists of: the management curriculum, the student, the school personal, managing, means of education, and school financial. These are the crucial things in the school.
3. School-Based Management.
a. The Nature of School-Based Management
Depdiknas has formulated the nature of School-Based Management as the model of management which give the greater autonomy toward school and motivate the participative decision-taking which involve the school people directly ( teacher, student, the chief of school, employers, parents, and society) in order to improve the school quality and definitely based on the wisdom of national government.
According to Bappenas team and the World Bank quoted by Drs. B Suryobroto, School-Based Management is the alternative form of school management in the program of decentralization of education program, in which is marked by the wide autonomy in schools is really realized, the high participation of society, and in the framework of wisdom of national education (Tim Bapenas & Bank Dunia, 1999:10)
Apart from the definitions above, there are several definitions pertaining to the School-Based Management in which can be a reference also.
"school based management can be viewed conceptually as a formal alternation of governments structures, as a form of decentralization that identifies the individual school as the primary unit of improvement and relies on the redistribution of decision-making authority as the primary means through which improvement might be stimulated and sustained"
And another definition from Candoli described:
"school based management is way for forcing individual school to take reponsinility for what happens to children under their jurisdiction and attending their school. The concept suggests that, when individual schools are changed with the total development of educational programmes aimed at serving the needs of the children in attandance at the particular school, the school personal will develop more cogent programmes because they know the students and their needs.''
We can also define it as the strategy of management of education which put forward cooperation among the sides, we’re able to conceive it obviously as “The Collaborative school Management” which is in the next advance became the model of the school management named “School-Based Management “.
b. Background of practicing School-Based Management
Two factors enable to explain about the attempts to correct the quality of education currently are either lack or unsuccessful. First, The strategy of construction so far refer to input oriented. Which it relies on some assumption, if the all of input of education is perfectly fulfilled, such as providing the books, the other tools of study, providing the means of education, training for the teachers and other human resources of the school, the institution of education will automatically be able to produce the superior output as expected, but unfortunately this strategy did not totally has function by seeing the disappointing output of the school. Second, The management of education currently tends to macro oriented, which is managed by the group of bureaucracy at the center level, until the society’s aspiration toward education is not effectively cared.
c. The Aim of School-Based Management.
The aim and mean of implementation of School-Based Management is definitely for:
1) Socializing the basic concept of management of quality improvement based on the school particularly toward society.
2) Obtaining the constructive opinion that the concept is enabled to be implemented easily in accordance with the circumstance of Indonesian environment which has possessed the various cultures, socio-economy of the society, and the complexity of geography.
3) Increasing insight and perception of society’s knowledge particularly school society, and individual concerning to the education, especially the improvement of education quality.
4) Motivating the society in order to be involved and to think concerning the improvement of education quality in each school.
5) Generating the consciousness of society of school in order to participate actively and dynamically in making the improvement of the education quality successful
6) Motivating the appearance of the new thoughts in making the education development successful and certainly from the individual and society who concern to the education, particularly school society who are in the main front line at that development.
7) Building the awareness that the improvement of education quality is the society’s responsibility by all components, focusing to the improvement of quality to the schools perpetually.
8) Sharpening the insight that the education quality in every school has to be formulated conceivably and the target of quality which must be achieved in every five years and so on until the mission of the school can be successfully achieved.
Hence, it was easily understood that politically School-Based Management is the estuary of all wisdom in education program, while that all can be obviously seen in the school activities, on account of school is the latest network of the bureaucracy of education series. School-Based Management is also the form of execution of decentralization wisdom or the autonomy of education which has relation with the autonomy of region. Theoretically, School-Based Management is a concept offering the autonomy toward school in order to improve and enhance the quality, the efficiency, even distribution of education (the education can be widespread) till enable to accommodate the needs of society, and work out a closer cooperative program among schools, community and government. With this system, the chief of school, teachers and students obtain the occasion to innovate and improve some thing pertaining to the curriculum affairs, learning, managerial, etc in the school. Therefore, the autonomy of education is the essential thing to create the academic freedom. Operationally, School-Based Management is an opinion placing the authority of school management in the totality of system.
Based on the description pertaining to the School-Based Management above, it’s quite intelligible that the pearl of the wisdoms in education program will be certainly viewed in the school, on account of school is the latest network of the bureaucracy of education series, hence, the program quality would be determined by school, how far the school be able to manage and implement all education programs. Therefore, School-Based Management is definitely quite strategic to be implemented for the sake of improvement of education quality service.
Hence, we can easily know that School-Based Management is either form of execution of decentralization or the autonomy of education in which has relation with the autonomy of region.
d. The Model of School-Based Management
School-Based Management is the form of school alternative as result of decentralization in education program. Principally, it depends on the school and society and so far away from centralistic bureaucracy, and it has potencies to improve society’s aspiration, even distribution, efficiency, ever and the management which is rested on school degree.
School-Based Management demands the commitment of all involved unsure (school personnel, parents, students, society) in the decisions-taking pertaining to the education in their school or these are like the organ of the body which mutually need one each others.
While, in the School-Based Management the delegation of responsibility and authority will be surely different among school. On account of the School-Based Management offers the freedom which the school is in the charge of it. Actualized by society’s aspiration, even distribution, efficiency, ever and the management which is rested on school degree are totally guaranteed. And school does not have the capacity to act alone, ignoring the priority wisdom and the standardization which is formulated by government, on account of the school it’s self is in the shelter/ protection of national education system.
e. The Model of School-Based Management in Indonesia
In the School-Based Management, the chief of school possesses wide freedom to manage the school, absolutely has to pay attention to the wisdom and priority of government.
Whereas the scopes that enable to be offered are: 1) The inclusive curriculum, 2) The affectivity of learning-teaching process, 3) The supporting school environment, 4)The resources based on the even distribution, 5) The standardization in distinctive program, monitoring, evaluating, and test. Some things described above must become or be one in the four scopes of function of school management, there are: 1) management/organization/leadership, 2) learning-teaching process, 3) human resources, 4) school administration.
Based on the circumstance of schooling in Indonesia, the progress one (advance), medium (sufficient), or minus. There are a large number of schools enable to implement School-Based Management totally, sufficiently (medium), even minimally (minus).
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