The Nature of Boarding-School.
Boarding School is absolutely the indigenous product of Indonesia in which possesses the values more than the scientific source, ever becomes agent of change, besides that, Boarding School has some things incur curiosity that every one has to learn in order to be literate people.
According to Yacub, Boarding School is viewed as the institution of Islamic education which commonly uses the non-classical method, it’s instructor/teacher is person who is literate and sophisticated particularly in Islamic religion, through the heritages of Islamic religion such as the classic books and nowadays well-known with the “Yellow Book”, using the Arabic script but in the ancient Melayu language or Arabic language. These books usually are the composition of Arabic Ulama’(Muslim religious teacher or leader) in the medieval ere.
Zamakhsari Dhofier remarked that Boarding School comprises of five significant unsure: Kiai (the leader/teacher of Boarding School), Santri (the student of Boarding School), mosque, Boarding School it’s self, the instruction of Islamic of classic books.
And according to KH. Imam Zarkasyi, Boarding School is as the institution of Islamic education with the dormitory or Boarding School system, whereas the Kiai is as a central figure, the mosque is as the center of inspiring activity, and the instruction of Islamic religion is under the guidance of Kiai in which is imitated by Santri as the main activity .
The definition of Boarding School version of KH. Imam Zarkasyi is more comprehensive; on account of the sense has several excellences (superiority) than another’s:
a. full residential Islamic Boarding School
b. Kiai is as central figure has the multifunction, as the teacher, educator, and the guider.
c. The Mosque is the center of activity.
d. The subjects are not confined only the classic books (Yellow book).
2. The History of Islamic Boarding School
If we try to observe the Pedigree of Boarding School, it possesses the source of tradition which is verily fervent in environment of Indonesia society. On account of Boarding School is absolutely the inherent symbol of culture of education that is belonging naturally to Indonesia. Historically, the education system of Boarding School was really rooted in the tradition of religious education when Hinduism and Buddhism meanwhile promulgate its precept and spread over Indonesia. Since the beginning of 13th century, the Islamization occurring in Indonesian archipelago transformed the culture of education to be Boarding School. In this case, the Islamization of archipelago surely gave the capacity of new sense belongs to Islamic version toward religious education system of Hinduism and Buddhism. Therefore, etymologically, according to C.C Berg as quoted by Dhofier, the word “Pesantren” often be referred to Indian language “Shastri” it means: one who is literate concerning Hindu’s holy books or one expert in holy books. The term “Santri” is often related to the word “Sattiri” in the Tamil language, it’s mean: one occupying in poor house (a very simple house) or religious building generally. The both of term (Shastri and Sattiri) supported the pedigree of Islamic boarding school.
The transformation of Islamic education which included the Islamic Boarding School emerged from broadening of study’s occasion for the native people which was occurred in the end of 19th century, the government of Netherlands East Indies gave the facilities of education with the gradation system. First, it’s well-known by term: volkschoolen, or School of People (School of Village) the period of study was 3 years. This grade was as same as the Elementary School and then the period of study was added to 2 years. Second, Junior High School (Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijijs (MULO), third, Senior High School (Algemene Middlebare Schoolen (AMS).
3. The Types and Characteristic of Islamic Boarding School
Islamic Boarding School is the shield of our country in order to protect it form the destructive culture, we are going to comprehend that each Boarding School have the different characteristic, whether the typology of Boarding School will be intelligibly expounded:
a. The traditional Boarding School (Salaf) and the Modern Boarding School (Khalaf). It’s named by Traditional Boarding School (Salaf) on account of teaching system still extremely maintain the Traditional method such as Wetonan, Bandongan, and sorogan, without class and age. And it’s named by Modern Boarding School (khalaf) on account of teaching system used already the class system, curriculum, and the limit of age such as in contemporary life.
b. Boarding School with the formal education (through school): implement the curriculum of Department of Religion (Depag) and Department of Education and civilization, whether informal education (through out of school): is such as Madrasah Diniyyah.
c. Boarding School is classified based on the amount of Students. If the amount of students is approximately 5000, it’s considered as the big boarding school, if the amount of student is approximately 3000 up to 5000, categorized as the medium boarding school, and if the amount of student is lack of 1000, regarded as the small boarding school.
d. The affiliating Boarding School and disaffiliating Boarding School (either with the certain party or organization of Islamic community) such as Rabithoh Mah’had Al-Islami (RMI), Muhammadiyah, NU, Persis and so on.
e. The Boarding School which accommodates santri mukim and santri kalong, santri mukim is student who stay and study at the hostel of boarding school, whether santri kalong is student who stay at boarding school but he studies at the general school.
Dra. Hj. Nur uhbiyati also described that boading school could be classified into 2 kinds as follow:
a. The boarding school which maintains the education system in the natural form. This boarding school doesn’t have a degree as we have known in the school usually. The exist class or the group is a classification of acquired science such a discussing Tafsir, Fiqh, Shorf, and so on.
b. The boarding school which adapts the contemporary circumstance and the development of advancement in education program. This boarding school establishes the madrasah system in educating the student, besides discussing the holy books as what the first boarding school has done. Therefore, here is the degree of study for the students: MI, MTs, MA, but both of 1st type and 2nd one have the same characteristic. That should be underlined:
a. There is Head of Boarding school educating student (Kiai)
b. There is student of boarding school
c. There is the mosque
d. There is hostel/residence.
4. The Two Characters of Education Culture of Islamic Boarding School in Indonesia
The boarding school will always exist and be able to keep its strength equal to that of all forms of social change because:
a. There is the character of culture causing the student do the mastery learning, and in this case, the implementation of education surely isn’t confined to the pattern/system of transferring knowledge from teacher toward student, whether these all are the aspect of forming comprehensive personality. The transfer of knowledge in boarding school isn’t limited by target or time of accomplishment of curriculum as specified in The Main Lines of Education Program (GBPP), but it emphasizes more to the Mastery Learning without any time limitation. The quality aspect is more really cared than the quantity one.
b. The participation of society is quite strong; basically, the founding of boarding school in Indonesia is generated by the demands and needs of societies their selves.
5. Islamic Boarding School-Based Management
a. The Management Traditional Islamic Boarding-School
Traditional Islamic Boarding school-based mangement is one of alternatif choice of boarding-school in the managing various potencies in order to be endorses factor in the improving boarding-school. But unfortunately, traditional boarding-school ever deal with various problem particularly in the process of improving many potencies, such as human resources with the high quality is lack, the means of boarding school is quite limited, the accountability of soceity’s program is not optimally done.
Therefore, the improvement of human resources, means of boarding-school, and improvement of accontability are the fundamental thing ever become the main requirement of advancement of boarding-school potencies.
Neither all boarding-school improve its educational system by expanding its target nor renewing the educational model. There are number of boarding-school which still extremely defends the system of traditional education and hold on it characteristics. It just instructs the classic book and moral guidance. And generally the component of boarding-school consist of:
a. The head master of boarding school.
b. Boarding school: comprehending physical requirements and non physical one, the financial of place, preservation, and so on.
c. The mosque: containing as same as boarding school
d. Ancient book (yellow book): if it’s extended it containing the curriculum with the general sense.
This model is quite superior particularly in producing out put with the good pesonality, self-reliant, and competensy of mastering islamich sciences. But unfortunately, out put of traditional boarding-school is not competitive especially in the modern life. Contamporarly, human resources with the gool quality and expert are the primer thing, boarding-school which has uncompetitive human resouces will be truly marginalized.
b. The Management of Modern Islamic boarding-school
Boarding School-Based Management (SBM) is a management of education structure establishment, in accordance with the Boarding-school’s roles, and the head of Boarding-school ( Kyiai) as the leader or he is demanded to be able to communicate the model of management that will be built over staff and boarding-school’s stakeholder, impress them, and be able to build up the inner force of boarding school (students of boarding-school and teachers) for dealing with the public’s demands to the boarding-school, that will be the responsibility of his leadership.
The experiences of public school which implement the system of School-Based Management in Egypt, New Zealand, California, Victoria, Canada undoubtedly showed that the characteristic of leadership is quite significant in determining the model of School-Based Management (SBM), on account of the leader is fully in the charge of implementation of administration programs and the improvement of school quality, so it has good quality and surely to be effective one.
One of modern Islamic boarding-school is Gontor Ponorogo as the renewal is absolutely qualified and consists of various educational aspects in order to be better.
First, The renewal on the institutional aspect, management, and boarding school organization. Gontor Islamic Boarding School possesses the Waqf Board (Badan Wakaf) which the head master of boarding school is as one entrusted with a mandate which is in the charge of Waqf Board (Badan Wakaf), hence, the Waqf Board (Badan Wakaf) deserves to determine and choose the head master of boarding school surely by all consensuses/agreements of Waqf Board’s (Badan Wakaf) members. Therefore, Waqf Board (Badan Wakaf) has the five programs pertaining to the education and construction, these are: The sector of building and equipment, the sector of Waqf Board (Badan Wakaf) and founds sources, the sector of cadre, and sector of welfare. With the structure above, the head master of boarding school (Kiai) and his families don’t utterly deserve to any materials right from Gontor. And the financial affairs is in the charge of functionaries of administration office which comprises many senior teachers and students whom will enable to be changed periodically. Therefore, the running of education organization can be easily managed and become dynamic, accountable, and objective.
Second, The renewal on the curriculum aspect. The instructed subject (content) represented the exist curriculum, between the revealed knowledge and acquired knowledge.
Third, The renewal of method and education system, these are by managing the classical education system which is orderly leaded in the form of classes on the decided period, this is achieved in order to implement teaching efficiency, with the little fees and concise time, hopefully boarding school can produce the superior outputs.
The hostel system also endorses the forming of three centers of education harmony, as the whole student daily activities apart from the formal one is surely done in the hostel/residence.
On account of modernization, the boarding school is really expected to produce human resources having the holistic personality, its mean, the personality which has equilibrium of five aspects: spiritual, intellectual, social, and emotional.
Hence, it could be said that the leadership model of Gontor Islamic Boarding School is transformational, whereas the head master of boarding school (Kiai) is totally demanded to be able to communicate the model of management that will be formed/ built to entire staffs and stakeholders of boarding school, allure and fascinate their participation, and be able to build up the power of boarding school (students and teachers) to deal with the public demands toward boarding school that absolutely become responsibility of the head master of boarding school (Kiai). Ever he is as the decision-maker of management direction which will be implemented one.
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